a twist on the classic Caesar salad made with radicchio, Belgian endive and roasted Castevetrano olive croutons

Bitter Green Caesar Salad


This is a bitter green Caesar salad with radicchio, Belgian endive and roasted Castevetrano olive croutons. A delicious recipe for an unexpected twist on your classic Caesar salad.


For the dressing: Blend olive oil, garlic, mustard, garlic and anchovies until smooth. Stir in parm. Check seasoning and adjust if needed.


For the croutons: Cube bread. Tear olives in half. Coat with olive oil. Roast at 350F for ~20 minutes.


Toss a few spoonfuls of your dressing with the greens and a large handful of croutons. Top with more of those olive croutons and extra grated Parmesan if you want. Then dig in!

For the recipe details, full ingredient list, more inspiration and how-tos visit the site at