Hasselback Butternut Squash

with spiced beef, basil and mint

Hasselback Butternut Squash with spiced beef, basil and mint. This one turned out better than expected. We had a bunch of squash since I asked Ry to grab some for a few other recipes I wanted to make. I happened to have some ground beef and the yards herbs were still growing strong. Think of it as a kinda savory pumpkin spice sorta vibe. This one was a hit. I will definitely be making it again.

As with most winter squash recipes you can substitute in plenty of other varieties. An assortment of pumpkins would work, or you could go with some delicata or acorn squashes. All are good alternatives here. And don’t feel like you need to hasselback them either, cutting it like that does give it a great texture, but if it’s too fussy, you can simple just slice and roast them and then top with your spiced ground beef and herbs.

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Hassleback Butternut Squash Hassleback Butternut Squash
Think of it as a kinda savory pumpkin spice sorta vibe.

As with most winter squash recipes you can substitute in plenty of other varieties. An assortment of pumpkins would work, or you could go with some delicata or acorn squashes. All are good alternatives here. And don’t feel like you need to hasselback them either, cutting it like that does give it a great texture, but if it’s too fussy, you can simple just slice and roast them and then top with your spiced ground beef and herbs.

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Hassleback Butternut Squash
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Hasselback Butternut Squash

Hasselback Butternut Squash with spiced beef, basil and mint
Prep Time20 minutes
Cook Time1 hour
Total Time1 hour 20 minutes
Course: Dinner, Main Course
Cuisine: Middle Eastern
Keyword: hasselback squash, spiced beef
Servings: 2


  • 1 butternut squash peeled and sliced almost all the way through, or hasselbacked
  • 1 lb ground beef lamb would be great too
  • 1 onion thinly sliced
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 dash red wine vinegar
  • 1 handful fresh basil mint or any other tender herb you like, cilantro would be a good choice too
  • olive oil
  • salt


  • Roast your squash for about an hour at 350F, or until it’s nice and tender.
  • Brown you beef, onions and add some cumin and cinnamon, or whatever other spices you want. And, be sure to add a dash of red wine vinegar or any other vinegar you want. You need a little acid to brighten everything up. I feel like balsamic vinegar could work well here.
  • To plate up, get your squash, top with lots of beef and then scatter a ton of herbs over top. I used some different basils (I think I had Thai, cinnamon and Genovese growing) and fresh mint. Cilantro would be a good choice too (I didn’t have any). Season with flakey salt and eat up!
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