Stone Fruit Caprese Salad

with fresh mint + oregano

I’m gonna loosely refer to this as a caprese salad. It’s certainly not your typical tomato, mozzarella and basil version, rather a slight variation on the classic using what I had. And that happened to be a pretty nice selection of stone fruit that Ry brought home, including some plums, peaches and apricots, along with a bunch of homegrown tomatoes I for sure wasn’t going to waste.

This stone fruit caprese salad also has no fresh basil, mainly due to me forgetting to grab it. So I used some mint and oregano instead, and it was great. The combo is really nice, mint and peaches are always a fave of mine in salads, and I honestly wasn’t mad I was out of basil.

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Stone Fruit Caprese Stone Fruit Caprese
...along with a bunch of homegrown tomatoes I for sure wasn’t going to waste.
Stone Fruit Caprese
Stone Fruit Caprese
Stone Fruit Caprese
Stone Fruit Caprese
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Stone Fruit Caprese Salad

A twist on the classic caprese salad using peaches, plums, nectarines and fresh mint.
Prep Time10 minutes
Total Time10 minutes
Course: Appetizer, Lunch, Salad, Side Dish
Cuisine: Italian
Keyword: caesar salad, caprese
Servings: 2


  • tomatoes get a nice selection
  • stone fruit plums, peaches, apricots
  • fresh mozzarella
  • balsamic vinegar
  • olive oil
  • fresh mint
  • fresh oregano
  • salt
  • pepper


  • Like most salads this is a pretty simple one to put together, mainly just arranging everything on a plate.
  • So first up, get your tomatoes and stone fruit sliced and diced into whatever shapes and sizes you like. I like a variation, some larger bits, some smaller, but you do you. Then, tear up your fresh mozzarella, scatter it over the salad and give a good drizzle of vinegar, oil and top with a generous bit of salt and fresh pepper. Lastly, scatter those herbs over the whole thing and then eat up.
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