Seared Bok Choy

with garlic & ginger

We like greens around here and generally have them as much as possible, but in all honesty, salads and sautéed greens can get slightly boring over time. So, I’ve been trying some new cooking methods out and this is my current fave, searing or charring in a cast iron pan. I saw a recipe for charred cabbage in bon appétit a few months ago, and figured I might as well try it out. It was, of course, delish.  So, as soon as I saw some of these plump, baby bok choy available I knew exactly how I was cooking them.

I would consider bok choy as a fairly “watery” veg. A quick google search tells me it’s just over 95% water and cabbage is at around 92%, and yes, we all know the internet lies, but let’s just say it was accurate here, that water content is close enough to still get some great color and char on The Choy. In fact, I’m convinced you can sear anything if you get your pan hot enough. I know I’ve done it before with some romaine for that Grilled Caesar Salad I made a while ago. (wink, wink. Go check it out!)

You can certainly pair this charred bok choy with any toppings you want, I went with a quick garlic, ginger and soy sauce with a little drizzle of toasted sesame oil here. Just think of this as a cooking method and use any green or veg you want and top with whatever you like, oil, lemon and salt, tahini drizzle, or even a dollop of yogurt and some harissa. The possibilities are endless.

Seared Bok Choy with Garlic and Ginger Seared Bok Choy with Garlic and Ginger
I’m convinced you can sear anything if you get your pan hot enough.
Seared Bok Choy with Garlic and Ginger
Seared Bok Choy with Garlic and GingerSeared Bok Choy with Garlic and Ginger
Seared Bok Choy with Garlic and Ginger
Seared Bok Choy with Garlic and Ginger

Charring in a cast iron pan is a great way to cook just about any veg. The veg stays nice and al dente on half and super charred and flavorful on another. Perfect combo.

And, the only specific piece of cookware you’ll for sure need is a cast iron pan. Now go get cookin!

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Seared Bok Choy

with garlic & ginger

  • Bok Choy
  • Grapeseed or any neutral, high-heat cooking oil
  • 2-3 Cloves Garlic – Crushed
  • 1/2” knob of ginger – grated
  • Tablespoon Water
  • Toasted Sesame oil

This is a super quick recipe. Pre-heat you cast iron pan. Start it on a fairly low temp, and let it heat up slowly, that way you won’t crack it.

Next up, slice your boy choy in half and blot with paper towel if there is any excess moisture. Place your bok choy cut side down in your pan, with just a touch of oil, and let it sear until it’s slightly charred and colored. It should only take maybe 3-5 minutes. The extra heat and steam created will slightly cook the rest of the greens not in contact with the pan while keeping it nice and al dente.

Once your greens are charred remove them from the pan, and get them onto your serving plate. Then, turn the heat to low and let the pan cool slightly for a minute or two.

Now for the saucy bit, add a drizzle of oil to your pan and toss in your garlic and ginger and stir to cook for about 30 seconds. Keep everything moving and make sure it doesn’t burn. Then add a dash of soy and maybe a tablespoon or two of water just to get a slight sauce. Then  pour over your greens, top with a drizzle of toasted sesame oil and eat up!

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One thought on Seared Bok Choy

  1. WOW. Looks beautiful. So green. I’m a huge fan of Bok Choy so I’m def going to try this one. Thanks for sharing.

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